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2.2.2 Setting Up AWS Organisations

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In this section we'll activate our AWS Organization and create the required identity,prod and development

⚙️ Setup AWS Organizations

Let's go ahead and setup our AWS Organization. Below command will setup the code that will setup the Root,Prod,Dev and Identity accounts.

cd ~/playground
cp -r ~/s4cpcode/chapter2/2B/. ~/playground/

✏️ Edit

  • Every AWS account needs a unique Email address for recovery and identity purposes. Hence, we first need to provide the email addresses we'll be using for different sub-accounts that'll be creating.
  • Below is the sample file that stores the information of the email addresses that'll be used for creating the respective AWS accounts.
accounts = {
dev = {
name = "dev"
email = "" #@CHANGEME
identity = {
name = "identity"
email = "" #@CHANGEME
prod = {
name = "prod"
email = "" #@CHANGEME

So if your email address is let's say then your global/ should look like

accounts = {
dev = {
name = "dev"
email = "" #@CHANGEME
identity = {
name = "identity"
email = "" #@CHANGEME
prod = {
name = "prod"
email = "" #@CHANGEME

✏️ Edit global.hcl

  • Open global/global.hcl

  • Edit bucket name and dynamo db name that can be copied from saved earlier.

✔️ Commit The changes

git init
git branch -m main
git add .
git config --global <username>
git config --global <email>
git commit -m "first commit"

⬆️ Push The changes

git remote add origin<username>/playground.git
git push -u origin main