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4.2.3 Secure Dockerfile

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Let's now fix these issues by updating the dockerfile with the following command.

cd ~/playground/
cp -r ~/s4cpcode/chapter4/4CC/. ~/playground/
git status
git add .
git commit -m "checking in secure Dockerfile"
git push --set-upstream origin dockersec

The command above will push the below secure dockerfile into github and re-run semgrep.

FROM maven:3.8.1-openjdk-17-slim AS MAVEN_BUILD
WORKDIR /build/
COPY pom.xml /build/
COPY src /build/src/
RUN mvn package

FROM openjdk:17-alpine
RUN addgroup boot && adduser -D -h /home/boot -s /bin/ash boot -G boot
USER boot
WORKDIR /home/boot
COPY --from=MAVEN_BUILD /build/target/gitops.jar /home/boot/gitops.jar
CMD java -jar /home/boot/gitops.jar

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ View PRโ€‹

View the PR Comments and it'll now show the semgrep docker rules have passed as shown below only 6 issues as compared to 10 earlier.

๐Ÿ”€ Merge the PRโ€‹

Let's now merge the PR and allow the Docker Github Action workflow continue to run.
