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6.2.2 Testing OPA

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Let's try out OPA by getting some hands-on experience.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Preparing Codeโ€‹

Let's prepare the code in order to to setup the environment for OPA

cd ~/playground/
cp -r ~/s4cpcode/chapter6/6B/. ~/playground/
cd test
export AWS_PROFILE=admin
Bigger is Better

For this session its best to have the CLI in a bigger screen so feel free to expand it as per your convenience.

๐Ÿ“œ Terraform JSON Outputโ€‹

The code above has setup a simple terraform file which can provision a simple EC2 instance. We are however not interested in provisioning the EC2 but exporting the plan for the EC2 in JSON format and that's exactly what we are going to achieve through the commands below

export AWS_PROFILE=admin
terraform init && terraform plan --out tfplan.bin && terraform show \
-json tfplan.bin > input.json
cat input.json

  • input.json is the Terraform Plan in JSON format

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ Terraform Plan Through OPAโ€‹

Let's now view the Terraform Plan through OPA using the commands below

opa run input.json

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ Terraform Plan Through JQโ€‹

jq (Command-Line JSON Processor)

jq is a command-line tool for processing and manipulating JSON data. It enables selective extraction, filtering, modification, and transformation of JSON data. jq is widely used for parsing and working with JSON in Unix-like operating systems, making it a valuable tool for data manipulation and transformation.

Since we are dealing with JSON let's view the terraform plan using jq as well.

jq '.resource_changes[].change.after' input.json